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We Aim to Thrill

We believe that complete customer satisfaction is more than meeting your expectations. We strive to thrill you.

Measuring the Customer Experience.

At Berlin Packaging, we use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer loyalty. The NPS approach is used by thousands of companies. The survey is easy to take and asks the ultimate question to determine customer loyalty, “How likely are you to recommend Berlin Packaging to a colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?” In addition to the numeric rating, a follow up question is asked to understand the reason for the responder's decision to recommend or how Berlin Packaging can improve its performance. 

The scores are separated into the following categories:

Promoters (score 9-10) – Customers are advocates and refer colleagues to Berlin Packaging

Passives (score 7-8) – Customers are satisfied but not vocal advocates

Detractors (score 0-6) – Customers are unhappy or not completely satisfied


We don't want to satisfy our clients – we want to thrill them. 

Independent research shows that Berlin Packaging leads the packaging industry in customer thrill. Visit for more information.


We're not complacent. We want to understand what works and what needs to be improved. 

We continuously monitor and work to improve the customer experience. We believe in measuring the experience and taking action to improve it.